Making a study choice is not an easy task. With that you can use all help well. That is why we also cover the best study choice tips in this column. These are the study choice tips that we have given most to young people recently.

Tips can be really useful

It is not for nothing that practice shows that a study choice often turns out wrong. Figures from the Education, Culture and Science Inspectorate, for example, show that 40% choose a wrong study and stop their studies within 1 year. You can compare between kre alkalyn vs. creatine monohydrate  and come up with the best solutions.

Most important reason?

The picture of the study does not correspond to reality. This is because the selection process focuses on the wrong things and because students do not know how best to make a study choice. They do not delve into the study choice tips that are available to them!

There is a good chance that you will make exactly the same mistakes this year. Below you will therefore find the most common mistakes when making a study choice and what you can do about it. Real study choice tips that will help you.

Do not immediately look at the offer

Most young people make their study choice by first looking at the study choice offer. That sounds logical, but it is not.

Imagine: You are viewing the bachelors of the University of Utrecht. And in between you have found 1 interesting study. Will you stop searching? Of course not. You will think:

I think this study of applied psychology is great. But not all of it is fun. Let me check out some other studies. There are so many studies! The perfect study is probably in between. The use of electrolyte hydration drink happens to be essential now.

In short: You keep searching.

You look for more studies.Then you will find 2 more studies that are interesting. Or there is nothing that stands out. And before you know it, all studies start to look alike. Suddenly the study of applied psychology doesn’t seem that interesting anymore. How do you make your study choice?

The problem with this is that you have no selection criteria. This keeps you looking at studies without it being clear what you want and what you are looking for.

You then try to translate these elements and qualities and link them to elements that you also want to see and use in a study. Based on this you can make a much better selection for your study choice!

For example, suppose you like basketball. Then ask yourself:

Arrange these things! These are all things that can also be set as criteria for your study / profession for later. This way you get a better picture of yourself and you can exclude much better studies.

It may not sound earth-shattering, but as soon as you try this for yourself, you will see that it will really help you. It is not without reason that during our study choice guidance we experience that this really works. For example, 1 person indicated:

So by first looking at yourself, you can see things separately. It makes it possible to objectively assess whether a study really suits you.

The Botte-ax method does not work

Many young people quickly make a pre-selection in their study choice, without substantiating this very well.

What you often hear is, for example, the following:

The continuation of this blunt-ax method is that you may also exclude language studies that would suit you perfectly.